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Saturday, June 28, 2014

What's your type?: Running out of steam

What's your type?: Running out of steam: Do you find yourself tired after a workout or even tired before you go workout which may prevent you from going all together? Want to maximi...

Running out of steam

Do you find yourself tired after a workout or even tired before you go workout which may prevent you from going all together? Want to maximize your physical endurance and mental focus during exercise?

Keep Reading

Rhodiola rosea is a perennial plant which returns to flower each year. The flowers are mainly yellow but may also show colors of red and pink.
A number of thinner shoots grow up from its thick root reaching a height of up to around 30cms.
As a diocious plant, there are Rhodiola rosea plants with either male or female flowers. They grow in close proximity to each other so pollination can occur.

"Rhodiola rosea": the first part, Rhodiola, refers to the Greek name Rhodon which in English means 'rose'. The thick roots of this plant have an aroma (smell) similar to roses, hence the name.

Watch this quick video and learn more about the Rhodiola Rosea plant and the benefits it has on the body.


Log on to my site www.amway.com/greenwithenvy and order your trial size Rhodiola and take control of your physical and mental endurance!

Here's the product info to look for once you log on

Nutrilite® Rhodiola 110 Dietary Supplement

30 tablets
Item #: 107846

View all products byNutrilite®

Boost your energy and improve focus!
  • Helps maximize physical endurance and mental focus during exercise.†
  • Supports your body’s stress response to shorten recovery.†
  • Ingredients promote a more vigorous workout.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Skin Deep

 Skin Deep: Let's face it we all something about our skin that we would like to correct, reverse or preserve. If you have issues with wrinkles, fine...

Skin Deep

Let's face it we all something about our skin that we would like to correct, reverse or preserve. If you have issues with wrinkles, fine lines, puffy eyes, dark circles, hooded eye lids, lines around the lips and mouth, sensitive skin, excessive oiliness, dry skin, acne, acne scars, sun damage, uneven skin or your skin is currently just the way you like it, contact me to get started on how 3 step regimen right away. To learn more about the products I offer watch the video, send me an email pgeyecandy80@gmail.com  to get your customized 3 step regimen or log on to www.amway.com/greenwithenvy and place you order!

Skin Types and Choosing Your Artistry Skincare - YouTube



Thursday, June 26, 2014

What's your type?: Red Orange Extract and It's Benefits:

Red Orange Extract and It's Benefits:: Red or blood oranges are pigmented oranges with crimson and blood-colored flesh, growing in the particular area surrounding the Mount Et...

Red Orange Extract and It's Benefits:

Red or blood oranges are pigmented oranges with crimson and blood-colored flesh, growing in the particular area surrounding the Mount Etna volcano (Italy). Pre-clinical and clinical studies have recently demonstrated the benefits of red orange intake and its protective effects on skin from environmental induced damages, such as exposure to UV-radiations. Red Orange Complex® is a Bionap standardized extract obtained from Italian red oranges, aimed to protect skin against sun damage and photo-aging events.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the main reason (apart from the fact that blood oranges are just so damn tasty!) that you will want to eat blood oranges. Since blood oranges are citrus fruits, they are a very good source of Vitamin C, also recognized as ascorbic acid. In the past, sailors who had the disease known as scurvy were cured by eating lots of oranges. In terms of health benefits, vitamin C is an antioxidant required for a large number of metabolic functions in the human body, and can aid in repairing tissues and ensuring healthy gums. Another one of the health benefits of Vitamin C is that it aids in healing wounds and shows benefits on the adrenal gland function.  Vitamin C is not produced by the human body and therefore must be produced by our diet. Two blood oranges are more than enough to comply with the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

Diabetes mellitus is associated with a high oxidative stress level, resulting from an imbalance between free radicals or reactive oxygen species production and the antioxidant systems. Inhibition of these oxidative processes by co-adjuvant therapy could therefore prevent, or at least delay, the onset and/or the development of long-term diabetic complications. Dietary supplementation with plant biophenols may be a successful strategy to decrease this risk of pathological complications. The Red Orange Complex (ROC) is a standardized red orange extract containing, as its main active principles, phenolic compounds (anthocyanins, flavanones and hydroxycinnamic acids) as well as ascorbic acid. The aim of the present preliminary study was to evaluate the effects of short-term (2 mo) dietary supplementation with ROC (50 mg/d, orally) on some serum non-invasive biomarkers of oxidative stress (total antioxidant status, or TAS, levels of thiol groups and levels of free radicals) in a group of 33 patients with Type 2 diabetes, in comparison with a group of 28 healthy volunteers. The results obtained demonstrate that in diabetic patients supplementation with ROC can improve blood levels of thiol groups on proteins (an indirect measurement of glutathione activity in serum); furthermore, it can elicit a marked decrease in serum free radical levels, in patients with high blood oxidative stress status. However, ROC supplementation appeared unable to modify serum TAS. Finally, the glycemic profile remained stable during the study period in all subjects, and no unpleasant side effects were reported. In conclusion, the treatment of diabetic patients with ROC might be of therapeutic benefit in order to protect against diabetes complications that are partially due to uncontrolled lipid oxidation. D

To Learn more about products that contain Red Orange extract, leave your email address and I'll give you more information!pgeyecandy80@gmail.com

Sunday, June 22, 2014

What's your type?: Skin Deep

What's your type?: Skin Deep: Have issues with your skin but can't find a product to resolve the problem(s) such as: dry skin, oily skin, break outs or skin discolora...

Skin Deep

Have issues with your skin but can't find a product to resolve the problem(s) such as: dry skin, oily skin, break outs or skin discoloration? If you would like to hear more about how to address those concerns, contact me for more information. Below are a few common skincare concerns

Acne is primarily a hormonal condition driven by male or ‘androgenic’ hormones, which typically become active during the teenage years. Sensitivity to such hormones, combined with bacteria on the skin, and fatty acids within oil glands, cause acne. Common sites for acne are the face, chest, shoulders, and back -- the sites of oil glands.
Acne lesions include whiteheads, blackheads, small bumps, and nodules and cysts.
Though acne is essentially a normal physiologic occurrence, certain conditions may aggravate the condition, including:

  • Fluctuating hormone levels around the time of menses (women)
  • Manipulating (picking/prodding) acne lesions
  • Clothing (for example, hats and sports helmets) and headgear

Hyperpigmentation is a general term encompassing all types of dark areas of skin. The condition occurs when the body produces too much of the skin pigment, melanin, in certain areas, causing those dark, blotchy patches.
Melanin is the pigment responsible for producing our skin and eye color, as well as the color of our hair. As the body ages, however, the skin is less able to properly distribute the pigment, increasing the risk of uneven skin tone.
The most commonly affected parts of the skin include the forehead, cheeks, upper lip, and chin. After the age of 30, hyperpigmentation can also show up as age spots on the hands and other areas of the body

It is said that 40% of adults have keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris, commonly known as “chicken skin” consists of small, rough red bumps, often on the back of your arms or legs. However, they can appear anywhere on your skin except places such as the soles of your feet. This condition will not hurt you in any way and getting rid of it using treatments is considered cosmetic. The best way to reduce these bumps is to exfoliate and moisturize daily